Unlocking Opportunities: Exploring the 3 Pricing Stages in a New Development

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Navigating the world of new real estate developments can be thrilling yet complex. As a seasoned Nar Certified International Property Specialist at MyCasa Real Estate, I'm excited to guide you through the various pricing phases of new developments. Understanding these stages is key to securing the best possible deal.

The Three Critical Stages of Development:

1. Pre-Construction – The Golden Opportunity:

   - In the pre-construction phase, developers present their most attractive prices to lure initial buyers. This stage is often referred to as the 'friends and family stage,' where exclusive deals on future projects are offered. It's a goldmine for astute investors keen to capitalize on the lowest prices.

2. Construction – The Window of Advantage:

   - Post the friends and family outreach, the development is introduced to the public at pre-construction pricing. Expect to see discounts ranging from 20-30% off the list prices. Keep an eye on the sales pace – as units sell, developers incrementally raise the price. This stage is a strategic time to invest, with prices still significantly lower than market value.

3. Delivery – The Final Phase:

   - As the project nears completion, discounts dwindle, and properties are sold at their full market value. While this phase offers less in the way of discounts, it presents a fully realized view of the property.

When to Make Your Move:

Every stage offers its unique advantages. However, the pre-construction and construction phases are where the real deals lie.

These are the moments when prices are most favorable. Although accessing the friends and family stage might seem elusive, partnering with an expert buyer's representative like myself significantly boosts your chances of receiving an invite to these exclusive pre-launch events.

Don't be deterred if you're not the first in line. Real estate investment is a long-term game, and property values are consistently on the rise. Your most significant gains are waiting in the near and mid-future.

Your Go-to Real Estate Expert:

Have questions or ready to dive in? I’m here to help. I’m Raul Morales, your dedicated buyer's representative and the founder of MyCasa Real Estate. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let’s explore the possibilities and perhaps, become neighbors soon!

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About the Author:

Professor Raul Morales is a distinguished figure in the real estate industry, bringing a wealth of expertise and insights to his readers. As the former Vice President of Communications for AMPI (Asociación Mexicana de Profesionales Inmobiliarios), the equivalent of the National Association of Realtors in Mexico, he has been at the forefront of shaping real estate practices in the country. His deep understanding of the industry is further enriched by his role as a Professor of Real Estate Negotiations, where he imparts knowledge in the prestigious AMPI Real Estate Licensing Diploma Certification Course. With a career marked by leadership and educational contributions, Professor Morales is not only an expert in his field but also a guiding force in shaping the future of real estate in Mexico.