| Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

In accordance with the “Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data,”, a company legally constituted in accordance with Mexican laws, with its address at Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, and as responsible for the handling of your personal data, informs you that the information of our clients is treated in a strictly confidential manner. Therefore, by providing your personal data, such as: Full Name, Address, Taxpayer Identification Number (R.F.C.), Home, Office, and Mobile Phone Numbers, Email Address, these will be used solely and exclusively for the following purposes: Information and Service Provision, Database Update, and/or any other purpose analogous or compatible with the aforementioned.

In the case of sensitive data, such as financial data (income, account statements, and others related), property data (material goods, real estate, and others related), and personal data (name, address, age, spouse, marital status, nationality, and others related) along with family and non-family references (name, address, phone, relationship, etc.), these will be used solely and exclusively for the following purposes: information and service provision, and any other purpose analogous or compatible with the former.

To prevent unauthorized access to your personal data and to ensure that the information is used for the purposes set out in this privacy notice, we have established various procedures with the aim of preventing unauthorized use or disclosure of your data, allowing us to handle it properly.

Furthermore, we inform you that your personal data may be transferredto be processed by parties other than this company.

All your personal data is treated according to the applicable and current legislation in the country, therefore we inform you that at all times you have the rights (ARCO) to access, rectify, cancel, or oppose the processing we give to your personal data; a right that you can enforce through the Privacy Area responsible for the security of personal data via email

Through these channels, you can update your data and specify the means by which you wish to receive information, as in the absence of this specification from you, will freely establish the channel it deems appropriate to send you information.

This privacy notice may be modified by, such modifications will be timely informed through email, telephone, or any other means of communication that is determined for such purpose.